social documentary photographer
they aren´t, they are...- JAILS
Throughout history, the situation of people suffering persecution, torture, detention, jails, in extreme violence in any of its manifestations, is a constant. Independently of geographical, historical, social or political contexts; the systematic violation of the most elementary rights, happens in the course of the chronology of humanity.
Walter Benjamin says:
"There is no document of culture that is not at the same time document of barbarism."
That's probably what these images aspire to; to be documents that, in part, testify to the barbarity in which we live. Memory is a form of resistance. And as a testimony of the historical epoch in which we live, to approach sites where, although invisible, they are present "no one" is a form of memory.
In different geographical spaces, and throughout history, more or less visible sites are located; in which humanity exercises its schemes of oppression and torture.
During the course of the II GM, in European territories, there were centers for the internment and extermination of persons. Nowadays, and perhaps as a reflection of a dark age of humanity, the same sites, the same schemes are reproduced ...

Entrance door to the Sachsenhausen camp (Oranienburg, Germany), on its grid the inscription ARBEIT MACHT FREI - THE WORK MAKES YOU FREE, was the concentration and extermination camp used by Hitler's Germany as a pilot for his extermination policy during the II GM.

Inside the field of Sachsenhausen, where you can see the beginning of the panopticon. This device must thus create a "feeling of invisible omniscience" over detainees. The philosopher and historian Michel Foucault, in his work "Surveiller et Punir" 1975), studied the abstract model of a disciplinary society, inaugurating a long series of studies on the panoptic device.

Sub-Saharan migrants attend Spanish classes, CETI Ceuta (Spain).

Entrance door to the Sachsenhausen camp (Oranienburg, Germany), on its grid the inscription ARBEIT MACHT FREI - THE WORK MAKES YOU FREE, was the concentration and extermination camp used by Hitler's Germany as a pilot for his extermination policy during the II GM.